green roofs

7 Benefits Of Green Roofs In The Tropics

Green roofs have become popular in several parts of the world. The benefits of green roofs on the building and the environment have made them a good idea in many applications. Though the benefits are better seen in urban areas, they are some general benefits to green roofs in any application.

What Are Green Roofs?

Green or living roofs are roofs that facilitate the growth of shrubs, trees and other vegetation. They can be on a flat or sloped roof.

The Benefits of Green Roofs

In urban areas, green roofs tend to be more popular. This is because these areas tend to benefit more from the impact of a green roof. Though they can sometimes be harder to maintain than a regular roof, they are also some great benefits.

Here are some benefits of green roofs.

1. Replaces Green Space Taken Up By The Building

To build your home or apartment building may have taken up land that would have previously been natural earth and vegetation. This can be a major concern in urban areas, where the density of buildings can be high.

A roof garden replaces some or all the vegetation that was eliminated. As a result, it could also provide a habitat for birds, insects and other wildlife, that would have been lost.

2. Retains More Stormwater

When the rain falls, a roof garden retains some of the rainwater. The more rainwater retained is the less stormwater that runs off. Urban areas tend to have a lot of hard surfaces like roads and concrete slabs.

The excess of stormwater can cause flooding in some areas if not properly managed. Roof gardens reduce the load on the stormwater management system.

3. Provides Useable Green Area

In the tropics, we are always looking for great outdoor spaces to hang out. A green roof can provide an outdoor garden area that is sometimes not otherwise possible in urban areas. This could be a great place to enjoy through recreation or even grow some kitchen garden produce.

The green roof over a lower-level room can also provide a great green space next to an upper-level room. This could be a green roof deck or patio.

4. They Look Better

A lush green garden can look a lot better than a regular finished roof like flat concrete. The grass and plants can enhance your home aesthetic.

I remember being in Chicago and looking down at a few green roofs from my hotel room. They stood out among the dull grey roofs of the other buildings. Their appearance made you want to be there in the roof garden.

5. Reduces Urban Heat

Urban areas tend to be hotter than suburban or rural areas. This is called the heat island effect. Studies show that green roofs assist with reducing the effects of this.

6. Better For The Environment

Plants and trees naturally reduce carbon emissions and produce oxygen in the atmosphere. Green roofs can provide an extra boost toward creating a sustainable environment.

7. Reduces Heat On Interior

Roof gardens can provide increased insulation to the roof of a building. The plants can provide shade to the roof.

In air-conditioned buildings, this could reduce the load and the energy required to power them. This creates savings in energy costs.


Green roofs can provide many benefits, especially in an urban context.

They replace some of the natural land space that was used to build the home or apartment. This creates a green space that provides benefits to the environment. These include absorbing stormwater, producing more vegetation and providing a habitat for wildlife.

Living roofs can provide a beautiful roof garden that you can relax in or grow fruits and vegetables.

A green roof garden could have great sustainable benefits to any tropical home.

Feature image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay